Title: | Visualize Transcript Structures in Elegant Way |
Description: | To visualize the gene structure with multiple isoforms better, I developed this package to draw different transcript structures easily. |
Authors: | Jun Zhang [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Jun Zhang <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.0.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-26 04:47:21 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/junjunlab/transplotr |
visualize peaks(bed files).
bdFile |
the bed file path, default(NULL). |
chr |
the chromesome of peak, default(NULL). |
region.min |
the peak start coordinate, default(NULL). |
region.max |
the peak end coordinate, default(NULL). |
track.width |
track width, default(0.1). |
collapse |
whether collapse the track, default(FALSE). |
fill |
track fill colors, default(NULL). |
show.legend |
whether show fill color legend, default(TRUE). |
add.label |
whether add peak name, default(FALSE). |
label.column |
the peak name column name, default(NULL). |
label.vjsut |
the peak label vjust, default(0.1). |
a ggplot object.
calculate the rotated rectangle coordinate with specified degree.
data |
data.frame |
theta |
rotate degree, default(45). |
workers |
how many workers for parallel calculation, default(1). |
rx |
x variable name, default(NULL). |
ry |
y variable name, default(NULL). |
a data.frame
This is a test data for this package test data describtion
An object of class data.frame
with 1987 rows and 31 columns.
Junjun Lao
visualize the coordinate relation like chromtin accessbility or peak sites correlation.
linkVis( linkData = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, group = NULL, base_size = 14, link.aescolor = NULL, link.color = NULL, line.size = 0.5, curvature = 0.5, yshift = 0.1, legend.title = "", facet = TRUE, facet.placement = "outside", facet.fill = "grey90", facet.color = "black", facet.text.angle = 90, facet.text.size = 14, xAixs.info = TRUE )
linkVis( linkData = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, group = NULL, base_size = 14, link.aescolor = NULL, link.color = NULL, line.size = 0.5, curvature = 0.5, yshift = 0.1, legend.title = "", facet = TRUE, facet.placement = "outside", facet.fill = "grey90", facet.color = "black", facet.text.angle = 90, facet.text.size = 14, xAixs.info = TRUE )
linkData |
the link data with data.frame format, default(NULL). |
start |
link start position, default(NULL). |
end |
link end position, default(NULL). |
group |
facet group variable name, default(NULL). |
base_size |
theme base_size, default(14). |
link.aescolor |
link line color or mapping variable name, default(NULL). |
link.color |
colors to change the link line colors when "link.aescolor" is a mapping variable, default(NULL). |
line.size |
link line size, default(0.5). |
curvature |
the link line curvature, default(0.5). |
yshift |
the space upper the link line, default(0.1). |
legend.title |
the legend title, default(""). |
facet |
whether show the plot with facet plot, default(TRUE). |
facet.placement |
the facet label placement, default("outside"). |
facet.fill |
facet rectangle fill color, default("grey90"). |
facet.color |
facet rectangle border color, default("black"). |
facet.text.angle |
facet text angle, default(90). |
facet.text.size |
facet text size, default(14). |
xAixs.info |
whether remove X axis info, default(FASLE). |
a ggplot object.
read bigwig files.
loadBigWig(bwFile = NULL)
loadBigWig(bwFile = NULL)
bwFile |
the path of bigwig files, default(NULL). bigwig files should end with ".bw" or ".bigwig" and directory should not be named "bw" or"bigwig". |
a data.frame
visualize bigwig files.
bWData |
the data.frame bigwig data, default(NULL). |
gtf.file |
whether supply gtf annotation file, default(NULL). |
gene.name |
the gene name to be choosed for visualization, default(NULL). |
chr |
chr the chromesome of peak, default(NULL). |
region.min |
the start coordinate, default(NULL). |
region.max |
the end coordinate, default(NULL). |
show.legend |
whether show color legend, default(FALSE). |
legend.position |
the legend position, default("right"). |
color |
the track color, default(NULL). |
extend.up |
extend for upstream of start site, default(3000). |
extend.dn |
extend for downstream of start site, default(3000). |
base_size |
theme base size, default(14). |
label.angle |
the facet label angle, default(0). |
label.face |
the facet label face, default("bold"). |
space.y |
the facet panel space, default(0.5). |
sample.order |
the sample order to be plotted in graph, default(NULL). |
sampleName.dist |
the facet label distance from Y axis, default(0.4). |
sampleName.hjust |
the facet label hjust, default(1). |
sampleName.vjust |
the facet label vjust, default(0.5). |
xAxis.info |
whether retain X axis info, default(TRUE). |
yAxis.info |
whether retain Y axis info, default(TRUE). |
ticks.y.len |
the y axis ticks length, default(0.3). |
theme |
plot theme, "bw" or "classic", default("classic"). |
scales |
the facet scales settings, default("fixed"). |
ncol |
the columns to be arranged, default(1). |
mark.region |
whether highlight regions in plot, default(FALSE). |
mark.col |
the colors of marked regions, default(NULL). |
mark.alpha |
the color alpha of marked regions, default(0.5). |
new.yaxis |
whether add new style Y axis, default(FALSE). |
pos.ratio |
the new style Y axis relative position, default(c(0.01,0.8)). |
yinfo.text.size |
the new style Y axis text size, default(5). |
back.color |
whether add panel background color, default(FALSE). |
back.color.alpha |
panel background color alpha, default(0.15). |
y.max |
the ylim, default(NULL). |
new.label |
whether add label in plot, default(FALSE). |
label.color |
the label color, default(NULL). |
pos.label.ratio |
the new label relative position, default(c(0.99,0.8)). |
label.text.size |
the new label text size, default(5). |
label.hjust |
the new label text hjust, default(1). |
yinfo.hjust |
the new style Y axis text hjust, default(0). |
facetGroup |
the annotation for samples, default(NULL). |
annoLine.size |
the annotation line size, default(1). |
line.arrow |
the annotation line arrow, default(NULL). |
a ggplot object.
This package is to visualize gene diffrent isoforms.
gtfFile |
GTF file. |
gene |
Target gene to plot. |
myTranscript |
Specify which transcripts to plot use transcipt id. |
Chr |
Chromosome number. |
posStart |
Region start position on genome. |
posEnd |
Region end position on genome. |
collapse |
Whether to collapse multiple transcripts into one, default(FALSE). |
exonWidth |
Exon width to plot, default(0.3). |
relTextDist |
Transcripts name or gene name relative to exon, default(0.3). |
intronSize |
Intron line size, default(0.5). |
arrowBreak |
How many gap distance to draw arrows, the smaller the more arrows, default(0.15). |
exonColorBy |
Whether color group by "transcript_id" or "gene_name", default(NULL). |
exonFill |
Exon fill color, default('#333399'). |
circle |
Whether make plot into a circle plot, default(FALSE). |
cicStart |
Circle plot start position, default(pi). |
circSegCol |
Circle sgement color, default('#333399'). |
text_only |
When circle plot labeled by gene name, whether remove the line connected with gene name, default(FALSE). |
ylimLow |
The Y axis lower limitation of Circle plot, default(-10). |
openAngle |
The gap of the circle plot, default(0.5). |
arrowCol |
Normal arrow color, default('#333399'). |
arrowAngle |
Normal arrow angle, default(30). |
arrowLength |
Normal arrow length, default(0.1). |
arrowType |
Normal arrow type, default('open'). |
addNormalArrow |
Whether add normal arrow on plot, default(TRUE). |
newStyleArrow |
Whether add new style arrow on plot, default(FALSE). |
absSpecArrowLen |
Whether make new style arrow length to be relative to each transcript length or absolute length to the longest transcript, default(FALSE). |
speArrowRelPos |
The relative position to the transcript on horizontal direction of new style arrow, default(0). |
speArrowRelLen |
The relative length to the transcript length of new style arrow, default(0.05). |
speArrowStart |
The new style arrow start position on the vertical direction, default(-0.15). |
speArrowRelHigh |
The relative height of new style arrow to the vertical length, default(2). |
speArrowLineSize |
The new style arrow line size, default(0.5). |
speArrowCol |
The new style arrow line color, default('black'). |
speArrowAngle |
The new style arrow angle, default(30). |
speArrowLen |
The new style arrow length, default(0.1). |
speArrowType |
The new style arrow type, default('closed'). |
textLabel |
The text label aesthetic mappings, default('transcript_id'). |
textLabelSize |
The text label size, default(5). |
textLabelColor |
The text label color, default('black'). |
base_size |
Theme basesize, default(14). |
marginX |
Plot left and right margins, default(0.2). |
marginY |
Plot top and bottomn margins, default(0.2). |
aspect.ratio |
Plot ratio, default(NULL). |
facetByGene |
Whether facet by gene to plot, this useful for your genes which are far away from each other or not located on the same chromosome, default(FALSE). |
ncolGene |
The column numbers to plot, default(NULL). |
scales |
Facet plot scales, same as "facet_wrap" function, default('free'). |
strip.position |
Facet plot strip.position, same as "facet_wrap" function, default('top'). |
forcePosRel |
Whether force the genome coordinate to relative position to transcript start/end position, default('FALSE'). |
panel.spacing |
Facet plot panel space, default(0.3). |
revNegStrand |
Whether reverse the negtive strand when set "forcePosRel=TRUE", default('FALSE'). |
xAxis.info |
Whether retain X axis ticks and text, default(TRUE). |
reverse.y |
whether reverse the Y axis, default(FALSE). |
text.pos |
the label position(left/right), default(middle). |
selecType |
choose the representative transcript to show("lt(longest transcript)" or "lcds(longest CDS)"), default(NULL). |
topN |
the top number representative transcript to be shown, default(1). |
show.legend |
whether show color legend, default(FALSE). |
A ggplot object.
############################################################## # test function ######################################################## # load data data(gtf) # non-coding gene trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Xist') # coding gene trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog') # change fill color trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', exonFill = '#CCFF00') # change inrton line size trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', intronSize = 1) # change label size,color and position trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', textLabelSize = 4, textLabelColor = 'red', relTextDist = 0) # aes by gene name trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', textLabel = 'gene_name') # color aes by transcript trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Tpx2', exonColorBy = 'transcript_id') # change arrow color and type trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', arrowCol = 'orange', arrowType = 'closed') # no intron gene and add arrow color # change arrow color and type trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Jun', textLabel = 'gene_name', arrowCol = 'white', arrowType = 'closed') + theme_void() # add arrow breaks trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', arrowCol = 'orange', arrowType = 'closed', arrowBreak = 0.1) # draw specific transcript p1 <- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Commd7') p2 <- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Commd7', myTranscript = c('ENSMUST00000071852','ENSMUST00000109782')) # combine cowplot::plot_grid(p1,p2,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')
############################################################## # test function ######################################################## # load data data(gtf) # non-coding gene trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Xist') # coding gene trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog') # change fill color trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', exonFill = '#CCFF00') # change inrton line size trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', intronSize = 1) # change label size,color and position trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', textLabelSize = 4, textLabelColor = 'red', relTextDist = 0) # aes by gene name trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', textLabel = 'gene_name') # color aes by transcript trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Tpx2', exonColorBy = 'transcript_id') # change arrow color and type trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', arrowCol = 'orange', arrowType = 'closed') # no intron gene and add arrow color # change arrow color and type trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Jun', textLabel = 'gene_name', arrowCol = 'white', arrowType = 'closed') + theme_void() # add arrow breaks trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Nanog', arrowCol = 'orange', arrowType = 'closed', arrowBreak = 0.1) # draw specific transcript p1 <- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Commd7') p2 <- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf, gene = 'Commd7', myTranscript = c('ENSMUST00000071852','ENSMUST00000109782')) # combine cowplot::plot_grid(p1,p2,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')